Algebra 1 Ch 8 WorksheetsYou must be logged into Google using your OPUSD email and password to access these worksheets.
- WS #1: Factoring Polynomials: download, solutions
- WS #2: Factoring Trinomials when "a" = 1: download, solutions
- WS #3: Factoring Trinomials when "a" is not = 1: download, solutions
- WS #4: Solving Trinomials by Factoring and using the Zero Product Property: download, solutions
- WS #5: Factoring using Difference of Squares: download, solutions
- WS #6: Solving Trinomials when "a" is not = 1: download, solutions
- WS #7: Factoring and Solving Perfect Square Trinomials: download, solutions
- WS #8: The Quadratic Formula & Analysis of the Discriminant: download, solutions
- WS #9: Completing the Square: download, solutions