OPUSD Student Technology Acceptable Use Agreement
Overview of Responsible Digital Citizenship for Students Updated for 2024
Internet Safety - http://bit.ly/isafe1 (Common Sense Media video)
- See something, say something. If you come across inappropriate material that is not respectful or makes you feel uncomfortable, tell a trusted adult such as a teacher, school counselor, or administrator right away.
- Don’t give out personal information. Personal information includes, but is not limited to, your last name, phone number, address, birthdate, and school.
- Never send pictures to strangers even if they are your “friend” on social media.
- Keep passwords private. Only share passwords with trusted adults (your parents/guardians and teachers, for example). Don’t share your password(s) with your friends.
- Don’t download anything without permission. Certain downloads may contain viruses, malware, or spyware that can hurt your computer or access personal information.
Ethical Use & Cyberbullying
- Be authentic. How you represent yourself online is an extension of yourself. Do not misrepresent yourself by using someone else's identity.
- Be polite & respectful. If you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say anything at all. It is acceptable to disagree with someone else's opinions, but make sure your words are constructive and not hurtful. If you wouldn’t say it to them in person, don’t post it!
- Be an upstander. Stand up to cyberbullies, and tell a trusted adult if someone is being bullied online.
- Think before you post. Social media venues including popular apps, blogs, photo and video sharing sites are very public. What you post leaves a digital footprint for all to see. Before you post, ask yourself: Is it kind? Is it honest? Is it appropriate? Is it spelled correctly? Would I want my parents/guardians, teachers, future school or employer to view it?
Plagiarism & Copyright - http://bit.ly/icopyfair1 (Common Sense Media video)
- Do your own work! Do not use other people’s creations (intellectual property) without their permission.
- Cite your sources - pictures, too! It is a violation of copyright law to copy/paste and/or share someone else’s work. When paraphrasing another's idea(s) be sure to cite your source with the URL. Verify you have permission to use the image or that it free to use under Creative Commons attribution. Hyperlink to your sources.
Appropriate Use of Equipment & Accounts
- Treat equipment and network with respect. OPUSD is fortunate to have the resources we do. Be kind to both the computing devices and the network. Don’t try to hack or bypass security and web filtering tools. Don’t use virtual private networks, spyware, or launch viruses. Families may be charged for the cost of repairing damaged devices and replacing lost units so handle all computing devices with care.
- Use your District Google Drive Account appropriately. Your @opusd.us account should be used to collaborate, communicate, and create for school projects. It should not be used for illegal peer-to-peer file sharing, or to store media files (movies, videos, games, or software) you don’t own.
- Use 3D printers appropriately. 3D printers are for making student designed/modified creations for school assignments and are not to be used to make the following types of objects, models, or designs:
- Weapons, firearms, or models of weapons
- Drug use tools (including vaping or smoking devices, etc.)
- Sexual material (body parts associated with reproduction, toys, etc.)
- Explicit or threatening wording or terminology
OPUSD Student Technology Acceptable Use Agreement
Oak Park Unified School District (“OPUSD” or “District”) offers its educational community a wide range of technologies to support teaching and learning. The District is committed to promoting a respectful, secure, and responsible learning environment in all areas of the educational setting, including the digital context. This Technology Acceptable Use Agreement (“AUA”) provides students and parents/guardians with the rules, expectations, and guidance for a student’s appropriate use of District technology.
Use of District technology shall comply with all OPUSD Board policies and procedures, including, but not limited to, Board Policy 6163.4, as well as all applicable federal and state laws. California Education Code 48900 also applies to this AUA. Education Code 48900 describes a school’s jurisdiction over student activity and discipline to include:
(1) While on school grounds.
(2) While going to or coming from school.
(3) During the lunch period whether on or off the campus.
(4) During, or while going to or coming from, a school-sponsored activity.
District “technology” includes all tools and resources including but not limited to, District-owned computing devices and peripherals (e.g., computers, Chromebooks, tablets, removable storage devices, printers, interactive classroom projection systems, etc.); District network and communication devices/services (telephones, wired and wireless networks, security cameras, emergency radios, email systems, file servers, etc.); District-managed on-line services (such as Google Workspace For Education, Aequitas Q Student Information System, Parent Square, etc.); access to all on-line collaboration and information sources; and any and all future technological innovations.
The advent of on-line learning spaces, particularly those managed by the District including Google Workspace For Education, expands the concept of class time beyond the school campus. Students should consider their use of District provided on-line accounts a school-sponsored activity so that their actions and behaviors while on-line using school accounts and interacting with others falls under the purview of this AUA. This is particularly true of the District’s 1-to-1 take-home mobile device programs.
OPUSD supports and encourages students’ First Amendment right to free speech, but a student’s communication that adversely impacts a school’s instructional environment (e.g., making others feel unsafe while on campus or in a district managed on-line collaboration tool) may not be speech protected by the Constitution-- even if it occurs off campus (See, U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District). Students are cautioned to communicate responsibly while on-line at all times to ensure the school environment remains safe and welcoming to all.
Before a student is authorized to use District technology, a student and his/her parent/guardian must acknowledge that they have read and understand AUA. By using District technology students and parents/guardians agree to the following:
1. By using District technology, whether from personal or District-owned devices, students and parents/guardians grant specific consent, as defined by the California Electronic Communications Privacy Act (also known as “CalECPA” or Senate Bill 178), for the District to review and monitor all electronic communication information and electronic device information created with, stored on, or transmitted via District technology.
2. The District may monitor or access any and all student use of District technology without any further advanced notice. Students have no reasonable expectation of any right to privacy while using District technology, which, as stated above, includes any and all files and communications traveling over or stored on its network, or while using District provisioned accounts and on-line resources including email and on-line collaboration tools at any time.
3. Students must abide by all school policy and procedures as outlined in their school’s Student Handbook when using District technology. The inappropriate use of technology while on campus or through district managed accounts off campus may result in school discipline.
4. Electronic devices are only permitted for educational uses while on campus. Students who play games, text message, or attempt to access social networking websites or applications during class time without the consent, direction, and supervision of a teacher may have the privilege to use District technology suspended or revoked. Repeated violations may result in additional discipline.
5. The District may act as an authorized agent for the creation of on-line student accounts solely for educational purposes in accordance with state and federal student information privacy laws (COPPA, FERPA, SOPIPIA, etc.). District managed student accounts may include but are not limited to, on-line accounts created to access Google Workspace For Education, Apple iCloud/Classroom, Microsoft Office365, and access to other apps, programs, or on-line services and digital curriculum resources.
6. Cellular phones and personal electronic devices may be brought to campus and used only under the following specific circumstances.
a. Elementary & Middle School Policy Specifics: Cellular phones and personal electronic devices must be turned off and stowed during school hours, including non-class time (e.g., recess, nutrition, lunch). Middle School Student also need to abide by the Middle School Cell Phone and Electronic Device Policy.
b. High School Policy Specifics: Cellular phones and personal electronic devices may be used during non-class time (e.g., nutrition, lunch), in a manner that abides by this AUA and all school rules described in the school handbook.
Students who bring cell phones or other personal electronic devices to school do so at their own risk. Students and parents/guardians release the District from liability due to loss, damage, or theft, or loss of use of the device, even if confiscated. All personal devices brought to school by students must be kept in the OFF position and out of view during class time unless allowed by the classroom teacher or administrator and under their direct supervision. Students may use cell phones or other personal electronic during class time only if under the direct supervision and instruction of a teacher or administrator. Failure to comply may result in the immediate confiscation of the device, and the school may return the device only to a student’s parent/guardian.
7. Electronic devices with a camera or recording capability (including cell phones, tablets, Chromebooks, both personal and school issued) may not be turned on or taken out of its covered carrying case/bag in a bathroom or locker room. If a student is found with a device turned on or out in the open in either of these locations the device will be confiscated immediately and may result in more severe discipline/consequences.
8. The data that students create, store and transmit using District technology is not private and is considered the property of the school district. Personally owned cell phones and other electronic devices will not be searched unless there is a reasonable suspicion under the circumstances that the student is violating school rules, District policy, or the law. (New Jersey v. T.L.O.)
9. Any content created by students (including text, posts, comments, images or video) may be shared on-line by the District, the school, or the student’s teacher. The ability to share information and teach responsible digital citizenship is vital to the educational process. This may include the use of e-mail, school learning management systems, on-line collaboration tools, classroom photo sharing services, and other social media avenues when applicable under the guidelines of the District’s Best Practices of Social Media in Education document.
10. The District may use images and videos of students for marketing and community outreach including on the school and district’s website and print materials. Parents/guardians may decline to allow this by completing a Student Media Release Opt-Out Form obtained from the school office and obtaining a signature of receipt on that Form from their child’s school office manager or designee. This Opt-Out Form must be completed and submitted annually to the school office.
11. The following activities or uses of technology are prohibited to ensure a respectful digital learning environment:
Using technology to threaten, bully, or harass others by sending, accessing, uploading, downloading, or distributing text, images, or other materials or means that are offensive, threatening, profane, obscene, or sexually suggestive or that could be construed as harassment or disparagement of others based on their race/ethnicity, national origin, sex, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, religion or political beliefs.
Recording video or audio of students or staff without their permission.
Searching for, accessing, creating, or possessing lewd, sexually suggestive, graphically violent, or derogatory/demeaning images and/or media files, or creating such material with a 3D printer.
Posing on-line as someone other than themselves.
Using District issued devices or network to search for and/or access repositories of illegal content, content that may cause harm to the District’s network, or content that promotes, encourages, or teaches students how to commit an illegal act (e.g., bomb-making, drug making, intentionally causing harm, etc.)
Bypassing (or attempting to) the District’s internet content filter through a web proxy, anonymizers, or other means from a District or personal device.
12. The following activities or uses of technology are strictly prohibited to ensure a secure digital learning environment:
· Circumventing network and device security measures, bypassing web filters, or attempting to access confidential, private, or restricted information on the District’s network or district managed on-line services.
· Sharing one’s passwords or access to on-line accounts with anyone other than the student’s parent/guardian or trusted adult.
· Logging into a device or service with the account of another student or a staff member or otherwise gaining access to their files and accounts without their permission. Students are strictly prohibited from accessing or using teacher’s accounts to view, modify, or input information into Teacher Connect, the teacher’s portal into the student information system. This includes entering attendance or grades into the “Q”, a function that only teachers are allowed to do. Teacher Connect provides access to information that is restricted to staff and protected by state and federal laws which students are not allowed to see.
· Sharing or publishing personal information on-line such as a phone number, home address, financial information, social security numbers, family issues, login credentials and passwords.
· Destroying, damaging, defacing, or rendering unusable any property (both physical property like a computer, or virtual, such as a webpage) belonging to the District or another person.
· Altering a District device’s settings in a manner to cause confusion, frustration, or loss of use to other users (changing backgrounds, homepages, dock, network configurations, account logins, etc.).
· Using or installing viruses, malware, keyloggers, spyware, or other software/hardware that can be used to damage the District’s network, harvest other users’ login information and other data, or propagate unwanted messages or files.
13. The following activities or uses of technology are strictly prohibited to ensure a responsible digital learning environment:
Plagiarism or other forms of academic dishonesty
Illegally downloading, storing, installing, or transmitting copyrighted materials without the proper license or permissions. The District explicitly forbids student use of torrenting software or services on the District network.
Stealing others’ intellectual property including text, music, movies, and software, or using them without the appropriate citation or expressed permission in accordance with Copyright Laws and Fair Use guidelines or any other applicable laws.
Using or visiting social networking sites (e.g., Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Vine, etc.) for non-educational purposes during class time.
Use of instant messaging or chat rooms not directly related to instruction (including texting, picture messaging, audio and video messaging) during class time.
Publishing other people’s personal information including images of their private events without their explicit permission or using social media to purposefully make others feel uncomfortable or left out.
Creating 3D printed objects that represent weapons, drug paraphernalia, things of a sexual nature.
14. Everything students publish or post on-line can create a permanent digital footprint that remains out of their control. Students should be mindful of the digital trail they create for themselves – it is like a tattoo which is almost impossible to erase. Apps, websites, and software that claim to delete information may still leave a permanent record accessible to others. Students should not assume their on-line presence will remain private and should conduct themselves on-line expecting that any and all data they furnish could be accessible to a wider audience such as college admissions officers and potential employers in the future.
15. All OPUSD academic and behavioral policies and expectations apply to technology use on campus while using District technology or personal devices, and any off-campus use of technology that may cause serious disruption at school. The District reserves the right to intervene when off-campus (including on-line) issues are brought to its attention that have the potential to impact school climate and safety.
16. A district issued take-home Chromebook (Grades 5-12) will be treated in a manner similar to a school issued textbook. Families will be responsible to pay for the district’s cost to repair a damaged Chromebook or replace a lost device, just as they are responsible to pay for a damaged or lost textbook. The cost to replace a lost or completely damaged Chromebook could range from $250 to $500, depending on the age of the device. Typical replacement costs for Chromebook components include: touchscreens $200, motherboards $200, keyboards $100, outer casing $50, power adapter $50, stylus pen $35, hinges $30. The district will make every attempt to repair a broken or damaged device at minimal or no cost, but in the event that parts need to be purchased to effect a repair, families will be charged for the repair. The district offers an optional, voluntary Chromebook insurance program through SchoolDeviceCoverage.com that families may sign up for each year directly with SDC at a nominal cost ($49/year) which would cover against damage, loss, or theft. Families are encouraged to take advantage of this program to minimize their financial exposure due to Chromebook damage or loss. Students will be issued a loaner device until the damaged device is repaired and paid for. Students need to turn in a device for repair at the first instance of breakage so the device can be fixed immediately before additional damage accumulates lest the student be suspected of abusing or willfully damaging the device. (See next section).
17. Students whose behavior and device repair record indicates abuse or repeated careless use of school issued devices or other district technology will be referred for appropriate disciplinary action consistent with this AUP and the school’s student handbook. Abuse/willful damage is defined as multiple damages on the same device at once, damage to multiple chromebooks issued to the same student in succession, or damage that appears to be forced or vandalized. Abuse/willful damage also applies to damaging another person’s device. Examples of abuse include : multiple screen cracks from different directions, punctures of the screen, multiple keys lost, keyboard damage necessitating the replacement of the entire keyboard, gouged out cameras, submersion in liquids, hinges that are crushed, indelible writing, inscriptions, or drawing onto the device. Careless use is damage to a device from easily preventable negligence such as a spilled liquid that causes the device to fail or become unusable, or damage observed by a staff member that was not an accident during the course of instructional activity. Families will be charged for the cost of repair or replacement of such damaged device.
18. The District may impose disciplinary action as a result of any violation of Board policy or this AUP including one or more of the following:
An increase in the supervision of a student’s use of District technology.
The confiscation of a device.
Limitation or cancellation of a student’s user privileges.
Discipline, including, but not limited to, detention, suspension and expulsion in accordance with the student behavior and discipline policies outlined in a Student’s school Student Handbook or applicable law.
Legal action in accordance with Board policy or law.
Reimbursement of expenses, including costs of repair and/or replacement.
As the District works to fulfill its mission of preparing students for higher education and an evolving workforce, it will increasingly utilize tools and resources that are housed on-line and accessed through the internet. On-line accounts are necessary for web based file storage and collaboration tools such as Google Drive, Google Classroom, Google Docs, and District administered Google email, Apple School Manager, Apple Classroom, as well as other educational web-based resources. Web and cloud- based services permit on-line distribution and hand-in of student assignments, on-line based class discussions and collaboration activities, web-based curriculum or learning resources, and in some grade levels, student email.
District provisioned student accounts will comply with state and federal student privacy requirements. In California, the Student On-line Personal Information Protection Act SOPIPA (AB1584, SB1777, and AB1442) creates privacy standards for all on-line services catering to K-12 education in California and prevents them from advertising to students, building digital profiles about them, or selling harvested student information to other parties. The District believes these restrictions provide a safe environment for students to utilize accounts that are created by the District for accessing on-line educational resources and services.
The federal Child On-line Privacy and Protection Act (COPPA) allows school districts to provide consent on a parent/guardian’s behalf to create on-line accounts which may collect student information limited to the educational context and for no other commercial purpose. OPUSD operates under these guidelines to create and manage on-line student accounts. By law, parents/guardians may choose to opt out of this implied parental consent by obtaining the Student On-line Account Opt-Out Form from their child’s school office, completing the form, scheduling a conference with the school principal, and signing the Opt-Out form in the presence of the principal who will sign upon receipt of the form after discussing reasons for and the consequences of opting out.
Parents/guardians and students should be aware that opting out of District managed on-line accounts for students will significantly impact a student’s ability to participate in some class lessons and activities and may also impair students from learning state-mandated digital citizenship principals and practicing responsible digital behaviors taught in class. It might also make it more difficult for them to receive assignments, participate in on-line collaborative class projects, submit work to their teacher, or access on-line lessons, digital textbooks, and on-line tutorials. Because the District’s progressive use of technology to enhance learning is part of its core values, parents/guardians recognize the importance of allowing the District to carry out its mission to promote responsible digital citizenship and safe on-line practices and behaviors for all students through creating and maintaining on-line student accounts.
As part of the District’s multi-tiered digital citizenship training strategy, students will not be allowed access to email services in grades k-2 even though the District will assign each student a Google log-in. Students in grades 3-8 will have limited email functionality which allows them to send and receive emails with their teacher and other students within the District, but not the “outside world” unless it is to a specific pre-approved site/destination for a particular assignment. The District will grant students in grades 9-12 more access to send and receive e-mails with individuals and organizations outside of the District, but all email communications must be for educational purposes and the District may monitor them.
Artificial Intelligence
The District recognizes that AI has a significant role to play in society’s future as it’s becomes more and more embedded into job workflows. Students need to learn about using AI safely and responsibly so they can better prepare to enter the workforce.
The District recognizes that the use of AI can, when used appropriately, enhance student learning by improving the efficiency of education, providing new and creative ways to support learning, and encourage independent research, curiosity, critical thinking, and problem solving. The District authorizes the ethical and legal use of AI as a supplemental tool to support and expand on classroom instruction, facilitate personalized learning opportunities, and increase educational and learning opportunities, subject to limitations. (BP6163.4)
Because of concerns about Student privacy and the need to safeguard student data, the district only authorizes students to use specific AI tools that have demonstrated compliance with State and Federal student data privacy regulations. Many “free” AI tools that are open to the public do not protect the privacy of their users and are therefore in violation of student data privacy laws if used with student accounts. The district has purchased MagicSchoolAI for student use after verifying that it’s paid service is compliant with the California-Natioanal Student Data Privacy Agreement. Students are prohibited from using other “free” AI services (such as ChatGPT) with their district email accounts since those services typically are based on advertising revenue and the sales of user data which is not permissible for student accounts. Students should use the MagicSchoolAI platform when their teacher allows them to use AI tools for specific assignments or projects. Exceptions for use of other AI tools may be made in special circumstances where specific district and/or parental permission has been specifically granted for the use of other AI tools - such as for higher level computer programming or computer science courses.
The District has developed the following guidelines and protocols for the use of AI by students:
1. Any use of AI in the classroom or on class assignments must be (a) in compliance with this policy, (b) in accordance with the teacher’s written policy for AI use for their course/class, and (b) in accordance with the teacher’s specific written instructions and use expectations for a particular assignment or project, including but not limited to, which AI platform(s) will be allowed or prohibited.
2. If a teacher’s AI use policy or written instructions with respect to the use of AI for a particular assignment are confusing or unclear, students should seek clarification from their teacher.
3. Student use of AI on schoolwork must be cited to as any other source and may not be submitted as the student’s original work.
4. Students should not rely on AI as a fact-checker to confirm their work or research. AI may not always provide accurate or up-to-date information.
5. Students are prohibited from using AI to access, create, or display harmful, deceptive, or inappropriate matter that is threatening, obscene, disruptive, or sexually explicit, or that could be construed as harassment or disparagement of others based on their race/ethnicity, national origin, sex, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, religion, or political beliefs or interact with AI in a manner that supports any of the above.
6. Unpermitted use of AI may lead to penalties for academic misconduct. Inappropriate use may also result in disciplinary action and/or legal action in accordance with the law and Board Policies.
7. If a teacher suspects that a student has used AI in violation of this policy or against the teacher’s AI use policy or written instructions for an assignment, the teacher must give the student an opportunity to demonstrate that the use of AI was in accordance with the teacher’s AI use policy and written instructions for the assignment. If after the student has been given an opportunity to explain, and the teacher determines that AI was used against the instruction given, the student may be referred to the principal or designee for academic dishonesty. The principal or designee when determining whether the student violated the academic honesty policy shall take into account a student’s IEP or 504 plan (if applicable) and whether there was a reasonable basis for ambiguity or the student’s misinterpretation of the teacher’s AI policy/instructions.
Student Technology Acceptable Use Agreement
Acknowledgment Page
Parents/guardians and Students are required to acknowledge receipt, reading, and understanding the contents of this AUA on an annual basis. This may be done through the registration/enrollment process electronically or through the Q ParentConnect/Student Connect login portal. The current active version of the Student Technology AUA can be reached at www.opusd.org/stutechtaua. These policies are in effect whenever a student uses or accesses District technology, including but not limited to, devices on the District network or District managed on-line accounts. Parents/guardians and students agree to abide by the AUA as a condition for using District technology.
Notice of Student On-Line Account Opt-Out Form
According to the Federal Children On-line Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), the District must allow parents/guardians to Opt-Out of the District’s plans to create and manage on-line student accounts used for educational purposes. Parents/guardians may obtain the Student On-line Account Opt-Out Form from the school office, schedule a conference with the school principal, and then complete and sign the Opt-Out form in the presence of the principal who will counter sign receipt of the form after a discussion about the reasons for and the consequences of opting out. If parents/guardians do not submit a Student On-Line Account Creation Opt-Out Form, the District shall assume implied consent to the District creating and managing on-line accounts for their child(ren) in order to provide access to educational materials, services, and on-line storage of student information.
Notice of Student Photo and Media Release Opt-Out Form
In accordance with California Education Code section 49076 and Title 34 of the Code of Federal Regulations, the District considers photographs (including digital photos) to be directory information and thus may be used by the District for non-commercial purposes including digital, on-line, and traditional publications. Parents/guardians may opt-out of the use of student photos by the District by completing the Media Release Opt-Out Form which may be obtained from the school office and submitting the completed form to the school office annually with a counter signature provided by the school office to denote receipt.
By using District technology resources after reading this AUA, we (Parent/Guardian and Student) agree to not hold the District, or any District staff, responsible for the failure of any technology protection measures or users’ mistakes or negligence and agree to indemnify and hold harmless the District and District staff for any damages or costs incurred as is required by Board Policy 6163.4.