Debbie Church
Office Manager
Debbie started at MCMS in 2002 as Student Services Assistant / Registrar and became the Office Manager in August 2010. Debbie and her family have called Oak Park home since 1999. Her 2 adult children have graduated from college and currently reside in Arizona. She loves the outdoors! Pam Norton
Student Services /Registrar
pnorton@opusd.orgPam has been with Medea Creek since August 2021 after working at Brookside for 6 years as an Instructional Assistant. A native Californian, she and her twins have lived in Oak Park for 17 years. Nicole Marino
Health Technician &
Student Services Assistant
My name is Nicole Marino, I am coming to Medea Creek Middle School from Red Oak Elementary. I have four daughters, three of them are graduates of Medea Creek Middle School and one is still here.We love to bike ride and go on long hikes with our Pit Bull puppy named Ripley.I am looking forward to an exciting school year here at Medea Creek!