• Classroom Policies and Information
    Students are required to complete all assignments as assigned and will receive full credit for having attempted all the problems in the part of the assignment that is graded (randomly determined).  At the beginning of each class meeting (first 20 minutes) students will be shown the answers to the previous assignment and should grade their own work to verify their comprehension.  I address questions during this time to clarify concepts.  Students earn points for homework by attempting the assignment, not by the number they get correct.  If a student doesn't have the homework on the due date, and they weren't absent when it was assigned, then they will receive half credit if they turn that homework assignment in by the following class meeting (2 school days later).

    Frequently, assignments will not include all problems; for example, only the odds or evens may be assigned.  However, students (and parents) should check the class homework page regularly for your respective class to verify each assignment.

    If a student is absent then, counting from the day they return, their missed assignment(s) will be due the number of meetings absent PLUS one (1) class meeting later.  They should contact a friend to copy any notes from the missed meeting(s) OR download them from the assignment(s) listed on the class assignment(s) page.

    If they have any trouble completing the work they should come for help during my available times  It's always in a student's best interest to catch up ASAP, and "if possible" begin the work while at home by downloading the assignment (and notes) and trying to work on it prior to returning from their absence (BUT students should not begin any make-up work until they feel well enough to do it).
    It's understandable that a student will be absent at times, however every time a student is absent they miss a fair amount of new material, review of recent concepts, and possibly a quiz or test.  When a student is absent the following things could be done to ensure they get caught up with all assigned work
    1. Go to their course homework page on my staff site to retrieve their missed assignments and the notes from class.
    2. Come to me to pick up any handouts they may have missed, or download them from the homework page if possible.
    3. Work diligently to catch up since "class must go on," and the faster you catch up the better off you'll be.
    Quiz/Test Make-ups
    When a student misses a quiz they should plan to make it up during class the meeting they return.  If there is any conflict, then they must make it up during lunch within two days of the meeting they return.
    When a student misses a test they should plan to make it up during class the meeting they return, unless they were absent for multiple meetings in which a personalized schedule for make-up will be created to fit the individual.