Please check the website for information!  www.opusd.org/MCMS


    Is There Before/After School Programs or Supervision?

    The campus opens with supervision starting at 7:30am. 

    The Oak Park Unified School District is thrilled to announce the opening of a district-operated before- and after-school child care program.

    Some of the key features of this program include:

    • Daily hands-on activities including science, art, gardening, robotics, coding, and more...
    • Options for students include both structured and unstructured opportunities to build social and emotional skills...
    • Flexible scheduling options including part time and full time; morning only; afternoon only; morning and afternoon...
    • A middle school program that incorporates age-appropriate programming to keep students engaged and enriched...
    • Staff will be trained in areas including but not limited to: child development; conflict resolution; peer communication strategies; supporting students with special needs; academic content to support homework completion; first aid and CPR; team building; social and emotional development of children...
     TO REGISTER FOR Club Oak Park

    Please call 818-735-3280 or email ClubOakPark@OPUSD.org.

    What is Q?

    Q is the school district’s database, with grades, attendance, food services, and other student information.  It is accessible through a link on MCMS’s Website.  This includes Report Cards and Progress Reports.  It allows parents and students to check on progress and grades.  Postings are “after the fact” on Q, so students are taught to write assignments, upcoming tests, etc. in their assignment book.

     How Much Homework is There?

    In general, the homework amount and expectations increases each year through middle and high school.  Homework may be reinforcement of concepts learned in class that day, preparation for the next day’s class, finishing work not completed in class, reading, work on long-term projects or essays, or studying for tests or quizzes.  In 6th grade, students may expect about an hour of homework, but this may fluctuate.  If homework becomes excessive, please speak to the teacher.

     How is Grading Done?

    Grading in middle school is often a change from elementary schools.  Grades are done on earning points, with percentages met becoming letter grades.  Assignments are given due dates, with half-credit given for one day late, and a zero grade after. 

     What Happens at Lunchtime?

    6th grade lunch is separate (11:15 – 11:55) from the 7th/8th grade lunch (12:10 – 12:50). Students bring their lunch or may buy lunch through the cafeteria.  There is a main lunch line and a snack line for individual items.   Students may play on the field or blacktop, join student clubs that meet at lunch, participate in the many lunchtime activities sponsored by ASB or WEB, or, middle school students often sit and hang out with each other during lunch. Lunchtime campus supervisors, PE coaches and administrators supervise during this time.

     What is WEB?

    WEB stands for Where Everyone Belongs, which is a school-wide program addressing transitions to 6th grade, campus climate and anti-bullying, 8th grade students are trained as mentors to incoming 6th graders.  Connections are made at Camp Medea and at WEB Breakfasts during the school year.  Mentors help run activities; meet with smaller groups, or mentor/tutor individuals throughout the year.  

    What Happens if a Student is Absent or Late?

    Attendance is taken every period at MCMS. It is crucial that you call the attendance line whenever your student will be late or absent - 818.597.4261. Upon arrival, your student will come to the student window to check in.

    EARLY PICK UP: Some appointments cannot be avoided so students need to leave early. Please send your student in with a note on the day that they need to leave with the time and reason. Students will get an off campus pass from the student window and then be signed out in the office at the scheduled time.

     Are There School Dances?

    There are usually four dances each year.  At the first dance, the 6th graders are allowed in half an hour early and are released half an hour earlier than the 7th and 8th graders.  This staggering of the schedules lets the 6th graders get a feel for the dance.  Even though they are called “dances”, there are many other activities going on, games; e.g. contests, and food so it is more than just dancing.   All dances are chaperoned by teachers and administrators, and parents volunteer to help with food.   

    What Leadership Opportunities Are There?

    There are many opportunities for students to take on leadership roles at MCMS; ASB class, WEB Leaders, CJSF, Clubs, teams, School Site Council representatives,

    What is ASB? ASB stands for the Associated Student Body, or the student leadership on campus.  The ASB runs all activities on campus.   There are Dances, Theme Weeks, Lunchtime Activities, Motivational Assemblies and special events such as Talent Shows and Movie Nights.   The ASB does one major fundraiser for the year.  This fundraiser funds all activities for the year, as well as supports the clubs on campus.  ASB is run as a class, with students being selected through an application process.  

    How Do Electives Work?  Why Can’t I Choose an Elective?

    In 6th grade, students can choose a yearlong elective in music (Band, Choir) or can apply for the ASB Leadership class.  All other electives are Semester (2 quarter) electives and have to be assigned.  This is because in 6th grade, the academic classes stay together in blocked classes (Math/Science, English/Social Studies).  The left over period is where the elective is placed.   All electives are designed to be exploratory and fun.  In 7th and 8th grades, students are able to request electives.

    How is School Information Communicated?

    There are multiple ways of getting information about the school.  First, the school website – www.oakparkusd.org - has the master calendar, staff pages, activities, club information, the PFA newsletter, and even the daily morning announcements.  There is also a Parent and Student Handbook, and all necessary information listed on the website.  Always check here first! 

    Sign up for e-communications from the PFA.  Each week, there is an email that has weekly information.  To receive these emails, go to the MCMS Website, under SITE SHORTCUTS, click on “Sign up to receive PFA e-mails.”

    Automated phone calls are periodically sent from the school about upcoming events or important information. These calls can be sent to email and text if the numbers are registered.

    Email your child’s teacher directly for information specific to your child and class. Teacher emails are found on the website.  We also highly encourage students to email or contact their teacher themselves to promote self-advocacy skills.  

    What Do Middle School Counselors Do?

    A middle school counselor has a different role than an elementary counselor.  There are three full time counselors at MCMS.  While they primarily work with a caseload, all are available for any student in need.  Counselors see students for anything from academic support to dealing with social issues.  They also lead many programs on campus, run support groups, and meet with parents and teachers to strategize help for students.  Students may request to see their counselor at the Student Window. 

    PLEASE NOTE:  While the counselors will be getting to know all of the students on their caseload, they are not able to have meetings with incoming students before the end of this school year.   If there is special information you wish to give to your counselor, please do email this to them, but know they will have the information going into the summer.