Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year!I am so happy to call Medea Creek home and I hope you are too. All 18 years of my career in education have been in middle schools. And I love it! I believe strongly in education and that our young people are our future.
Our mission here at Medea is to prepare our students for their future as productive and responsible citizens, while pursuing academic excellence. We believe ALL students can learn and achieve success. We strive to support our students as unique individuals in a climate of care, and with respect for all.
Medea Creek has an amazing team of dedicated teachers, counselors and staff who work hard to provide a positive, safe and engaging learning environment for our students. We look to provide a network of support, with safety as our primary concern for every student and staff.
Middle school is truly a unique three years in a young person’s life. It can be challenging, amazing and also a time of so many changes for our kids, while they take those first steps towards independence, discovering who they are as individuals and how they fit into this world around them. We are here and excited to be a part of that growth and to support our students every step of the way.
I encourage our students to make connections at school, to be involved, to work hard and have fun! Learning something new and getting connected creates opportunities for students, and we want them to have as many options as possible before they start their high school career.
I would also like to thank you for your continued support of MCMS and please contact us if you have any questions or concerns. We are here to make your child’s receive the best education possible. I am looking forward to this school year and meeting you!
Best to you all and Go Panthers!
Gia Jantz
Principal, Medea Creek
Gia Jantz
(818) 707-7922
Samantha Gottlieb
Assistant Principal
(818) 707-7922
Alexis Boyadjian
Dean of Students
(818) 707-7922
Duties Include:
Duties Include:
Duties Include:
School Plan, Budgets, PFA Site Council, GATE, Site and District Leadership Team, ELD Students, Teacher Evaluations, Classified Evaluations, Culmination, Library and Textbooks, Parent Education, Yearbook, Master Schedule support, Curriculum and Instruction, lEPs, Facilitator of Leadership Team, Facility Use, Discipline Appeals, Custodians/Plant, Challenge/Success, Camp Medea, Award Applications (i.e. Distinguished Schools), CTE Pathways, Surveys (CHKS), Challenge Success, Staff Appreciation
Site and District Leadership Team, Master Schedule, Supervision of campus, Parent Handbook, Student Handbook, Faculty Handbook, Attendance and SARB process, Teacher Observations, Evaluations, Classified Evaluations, Approval and Scheduling of Events/Calendar, Art, Band, and Chorus Activities, Special Activities: Outdoor Education Trip, Parent Volunteer Recognition, Student Assemblies, ASB: Spirit activities, and events, Bell schedules, Community Service, Co-curricular Clubs, Homework Club, IEPs, Leadership Team, Emergency Preparedness, Discipline Support, Staff Development, New Teacher Support, School Tours and Visitations, GATE, Challenge/Success, Camp Medea, Staff Appreciation
Discipline, Detention Program, Tardies, School on Saturday, IEPs, Intramurals and Organized Community Sports, faculty/student games, Supervision of campus, Supervision assignments/management of campus supervisors, Teacher Goal Setting, Observations, Evaluations, 5th Grade Orientation, Exceptional Panthers, Student Recognition Programs, Lockers, ASB event supervision, Student Intervention: attend intervention meetings, SST’s as needed to help develop strategies for student behavior, State Testing: coordination, logistics, facilitation and staff training, Camp Medea, Staff Appreciation