Universal School Meals in 2024-25
Our cafeterias are offering school meals at no cost to ALL OPUSD students in the 2024-25 school year. Any student enrolled at an OPUSD school is eligible to receive up to one breakfast meal and up to one lunch meal for free from the cafeteria each school day.
A student does not need to qualify for free or reduced-price meals to take part in these meals, and a meal application is not required. However, free/reduced meal applications allow the district to collect essential data needed to qualify for additional school funding intended to support academic programs for your student. Households are encouraged to apply through Q-Parent Connect.
Breakfast is served during the scheduled morning break/recess (Nutrition), while lunch is served during the scheduled lunch period. Please refer to the bell schedule at your child's school.
Additional meals and snack items will be available for purchase at our snack bars at MCMS and OPHS. Funds must be available in your student's meal account at the time of purchase. Due to the high volume of meals to provide during the limited time for breakfast and lunch and to keep the lines moving, our staff will not be accepting any payments at the register. To check your child’s existing cafeteria fund balance or to add more funds to their account, log onto Q-Parent Connect now. Please note that snack bar purchases are optional and not part of the free meals program.