• Classroom policies & information.

    Student Needs


    1 Spiral Notebooks for taking notes.

    1 Three ring Binder

    Colored Pencils



    Grade Breakdown


    Homework/Class work                        10%

    Quizzes                                                20%

    Tests                                                     50%

    Final Examination                                20%


    Grading Scale


    90 – 100                                              A

    80 – 89                                                B

    70 – 79                                                C

    60 – 69                                                D

    Below 60                                             F


    Make-up Policy


    Test:  If you are absent for a full day on the day of the test you are required to take test within 2 week.  Make-ups will be given during support periods.  Remember it is your responsibility to contact teacher for test make-ups.


    Extra Credit:  Will only be credited for students who have completed all of their regular assignments.  It cannot be used to replace a missed assignment.



    Read the student handbook for tardy policy, dress code and all other school wide policies.

    Policies will be followed in this class.