Teachers may be contacted via e-mail or voicemail. We make every attempt to respond to messages within 48 hours. Please understand that if a message comes in late in an afternoon teachers may not pick it up until the next day.
To reach staff voicemail, call the main school line at (818) 735-3300
Staff Member | Department | Phone | VoiceMail | |
Amerikaner, Erik | Information Technology | 9129 | eamerikaner@opusd.org | |
Anderson, Victor | History | 9094 | vanderson@opusd.org | |
ASB Line | Student Government | 9088 | ||
Athletics | Athletic Department | 735-3301 | ||
Bojorquez, Anna | Fine Arts | 9096 | abojorquez@opusd.org | |
Borquez, Zachary | Instrumental Music | 9176 | zborquez@opusd.org | |
Bovard, Maryannick | Foreign Language | 9125 | mbovard@opusd.org | |
Bowman, Kathy | English | 9065 | kbowman@opusd.org | |
Bregar, Lisa | Math | 9097 | lbregar@opusd.org | |
Cafeteria | Cafeteria | 735-3353 | ||
Charrett, Jennifer | Counselor | 735-3310 | jcharrett@opusd.org | |
Chevalier, Tim | Social Science | 9077 | tchevalier@opusd.org | |
Cohen, Karen | Student Services | 735-3332 | 6060 | kcohen@opusd.org |
College & Career Center | College & Career Center | 735-3315 | 6034 | jprince@opusd.org |
Cook, D.J. | Social Sciences | 9222 | djcook@opusd.org | |
Counselors | Counseling | 735-3310 | FAX 707-7970 | |
Creason, Todd | Social Sciences | 9066 | tcreason@opusd.org | |
Custodio, Rebecca | Special Education | 735-3363 | 9130 | rcustodio@opusd.org |
DiCamillo, Michelle | Office Manager | 735-3312 | 6020 | mdicamillo@opusd.org |
Fullmer, Ian | Art | 9207 | ifullmer@opusd.org | |
Galbreath, Kim | Social Science | 9069 | kgalbreath@opusd.org | |
Goiri-Virto, Zaloa | Science | 6601 | zgoirivirto@opusd.org | |
Goodnough, Debbie | Athletic Department | 735-3301 | dgoodnough@opusd.org | |
Gorji, Yeganeh | Math | 9166 | gyeganeh@opusd.org | |
Gross, Kellie | Special Education | 735-3348 | 9203 | kgross@opusd.org |