Congratulations to the students who passed previous College Board AP Statistics exams, thus saving tuition money, earning university credits, & a large amount of respect at college, at family gatherings, and most-of-all, in your own mind!Kalpana ChawlaDr. Ahn's closing paragraph:I believe every student can learn Mathematics,especially Statistics & Data Science,if you are willing to work at it.And enjoy the work.Success in the course will be a CHALLENGE.It will require consistency and perseverance.But you can do it.Yes, even if you think you inherited "bad math genes."If there is no struggle, then there is no progress.(Frederick Douglass)There is no great satisfaction from doing that which is easy.Successful People habitually do the thingsunsuccessful people dont do.
Welcome to Mr Micek's ClassIn all likelihood, this year will be a memorably great time in your life!Welcome the struggle.Life (and higher mathematics) is difficult.As soon as we realize that, andcome to expect life to be hard,it tends to get a little easier.(Scott Peck & Matt Micek)KEYS to SUCCESSIn Statistics class...& lots of Stuff:1. Read the Book/Slides/G Classroomslowly2. Take Notes in class!write when the instructor writes3. Participate in classspeak/try even when uncertain4. Start HW/Study Early11pm the eve before due date ≠ early5. Share thought w/ Teammates/Classmatesb4 turning in HWas studying for Quiz/Testsafter receiving graded HW, Quizzes, Tests6. Enjoy the Struggleb comfortable w/ the uncomfortable7. Grin Occasionally8. Repeat Everydayseriously...math is a performing art...one has to practice 5+days/weekUse Weekends!Do 3 things every day:1. Laugh2. Think3. Feel so deeply that you cryDont Give Up.Dont Ever Give Up.Jim ValvanoRemember George,No one is a failure who has friends.You really have a wonderful life!Each man's life touches so many other lives.Don't you see what a mistake it would be to throw it away?
Hope is a Good Thing.Maybe, the Best of Things.
What are you hoping for that is really grand...really noble...truly significant?DREAM BIG,FOR WHEN YOU HAVE STOPPED, YOU MAY STILL EXIST,BUT YOU ARE NO LONGER LIVING.
Mr. Matt MicekAP Statistics, CP StatisticsEverything you want is on the other side of Work.(Monty Williams)Most of Success is Practice. The rest of it (success) is Work.(John Wooden)Family