
    AP Precalculus Suggested Supplies:

    Charged Chromebook

    Binder (or section within a large binder) 


    Graph paper (4 or 5 squares per inch) 

    Pencils and eraser  

    Dry Erase Marker, Whiteboard Marker (any color)                                                        

    Highlighters and/or colored pencils

    Calculator (TI-84 CE recommended)**               

    Ruler (6 or 12 inch with cm)

    Note cards (optional but handy to memorize)

    Assignment Book (optional but handy)


    ** Will be discussed in First Class.  But if you find a good deal from a known store, go for it. 

    I do not recommend buying from a foreign dealer or a used calculator.  

    Calculators will be available for use in the room.