Due to school closures, don't worry about assignments. Nothing is due. We will adjust the schedule when we return. Be safe!
AI use policy for Mr. Kinberg’s class (in conjunction with OPUSD policies).
Only district-approved AI platforms compliant with student data privacy regulations are allowed in OPUSD classrooms (e.g., Magic School AI). In order to avoid confusion or inadvertent misuse of AI, at the beginning of each academic year (or semester if a semester course), students and parents will be supplied with written instructions about whether teachers allow the use of GenAI in our classes (for all, some or no assignments). Students and parents shall be asked to acknowledge and agree to the AI policy via electronic or physical signature.
The use of AI will not be used or accepted in Mr. Kinberg’s class nor will it be allowed for any assignments.
The use of AI in Mr. Kinberg’s classes will be considered academic dishonesty and the student may be referred to the principal or designee for academic dishonesty (BP6163.4 Student Use of Technology, Use of Artificial Intelligence, Guidelines and Protocols #7).
OPUSD Student Pledge for AI Use (for use in grades 5-12)
I, [STUDENT NAME], as a student of Oak Park High School, pledge to:
- Use AI in the classroom or on class assignments only (a) in compliance with this policy, (b) in accordance with the teacher’s written policy for AI use for their course/class, and (b) in accordance with the teacher’s specific written instructions and use expectations for a particular assignment or project, including but not limited to, which AI platform(s) will be allowed or prohibited.
- Seek clarification from my teacher if their AI use policy or written instructions with respect to the use of AI for a particular assignment is confusing or unclear.
- Cite the use of AI on schoolwork like any other source and will not submit GenAI-assisted work as my own.
- Not rely on AI as a fact-checker to confirm my work or research. I acknowledge that AI may not always provide accurate or up-to-date information.
- Use AI tools ethically, and understand that I cannot use AI to access, create, or display harmful, deceptive, or inappropriate matter that is threatening, obscene, disruptive, or sexually explicit or that could be construed as harassment or disparagement of others based on their race/ethnicity, national origin, sex, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, religion, or political beliefs or interact with AI in a manner that supports any of the above.
- Accept the consequences of unpermitted use of AI, including disciplinary action and/or legal action in accordance with the law and Board Policies.
By signing this pledge, I commit to adhering to these principles and understand the importance of ethical AI use in our school community.
Student Signature__________________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature___________________________
Mr. Kinberg's Home Page