Oak Park History/Social Science Department

    H/SS health
    WELCOME!  OPHS History/Social Science Department
    🦅 Please click on the teacher's name to view their website: 
    DR. VICTOR ANDERSON- (AP) US History and (CP) Mock Trial
    TIM CHEVALIER(AP) US History, (AP) Government, (AP) Economics, and (CP) Economics
    DJ COOK- (CP) Economics and (CP) World History
    TODD CREASON- (H) US History, (CP) US History, and (CP) World History
    KIM GALBREATH- (CP) World Geography & Cultures and (CP) Psychology, {Department Chair}
    ROB HALL- (CP) Government and (CP) World History
    CHRIS MEYER- (AP) Psychology, (CP) World History, (CP) Sociology, and (CP) Sociology of American Popular Music
    RUSS PETERS- (CP) US History and (CP) World Geography & Cultures
    ERIC PRYOR- Health