Unit One -- Rise of Democratic IdeasSlideshowsReadingsVideo LinkLink to 5-minute PBS biography of Marco Polo:Unit Two -- Age of RevolutionsSlideshowsVideo LinksLink to History Channel documentary on the French Revolution:(watch from 20:00-46:00)Link to PBS documentary on Napoleon:(watch from beginning to 29:00)Unit Three -- The Industrial RevolutionSlideshowVideo Links: A Christmas Carol (TNT - 1999)Full length movie (Total time: approx. 1:35:00)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-xNKq5z5zI- free link on YouTubehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iF-ucRTDa4o -- rental fee required to watch this link on YouTubeLink to Los Angeles Times story on Mexican farmworkers:Unit Four -- ImperialismUnit Five -- The World WarsWorld War ISlideshows:Video Links:Link to The Great War (PBS Documentary Video) Part I - Wilhelm & NicholasOn this YouTube link, watch from 6:00-15:20 and from 27:30-33:45 and from 39:40-end (Total Time: 25 Minutes)Link to The Great War (PBS Documentary Video) Part II - The SlaughterOn this YouTube link, watch from 2:03-18:12 and from 24:25-40:47 (Total Time: 32 Minutes)TotalitarianismSlideshows:Video Links:Link to Biography of Joseph Stalin (below):On the YouTube link below, watch from the beginning to 11:45Link to Biography on Mussolini (below):On the YouTube link below, watch from the beginning to 14:50Link to Biography of Adolf Hitler (below):On the YouTube link below, watch from 2:20 to 13:30Video Links:Link to documentary on The Battle of Britain:On the YouTube link below, watch from the beginning to 24:15Link to Pearl Harbor 80th anniversary video:Link to Schindler's List:Second Half Slideshows:Link to 60 Minutes piece about the "British Schindler":Unit Six -- The Cold War & AfterThe Cold War:Post-Cold War: