OPHS Site Council

  • School Site Council
    At Oak Park High School we believe that parents are an integral part of the educational process for our students. The primary task of the School Site Council (SSC) is to ensure that OPHS is continually engaged in identifying and implementing effective curriculum and instructional practices that result in both strengthening the core academic program and ensuring that students have access to and success in that program. Oak Park High School’s SSC is an integral piece of the school-based management model. To ensure that the council operates within a school-wide improvement perspective, the legislation requires that the membership of the council be drawn from the total school community. Once established, the SSC is charged with the responsibility of developing a program that is responsive to the needs of every student in the school. 
    All Site Council meetings will be held at 3:00 PM on the 3rd Tuesday of each month and a Site Council Representative reports to the OPUSD Governing Board at the Monthly Board Meeting.     
     School Site Council   OPUSD Board Mtg.
    September 10  September 10
     October 15  October 15
      November 19  November 19
     December 17  December 17
      January 21   January 22
     February 25  February 25
     March 18  March 18
     April 29  April 29
      May 13  May 13


Last Modified on Monday at 7:47 PM