• Gifted and Talented Education (GATE)



    The purpose of Oak Park Unified School District's GATE program is to promote respect and responsibility as cornerstones for a lifetime of learning and global citizenship.  Our program provides all learners, including gifted learners, with differentiated curriculum experiences including critical thinking, inquiry, problem solving, and creativity.  Classroom instruction differs in pace, depth, and complexity of study in order to meet the gifted learner's characteristics of intensity, complexity, and precocity.  Individual learning styles and social-emotional needs are also considered, as well as exceptional abilities and special talents.
    According to The National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC), giftedness is defined as follows:
    "Students with gifts and talents perform - or have the capability to perform - at higher levels compared to others of the same age, experience, and environment in one or more domains.  They require modification(s) to their educational experience(s) to learn and realize their potential.  Students with gifts and talents:
    • Come from all racial, ethnic, and cultural populations, as well as all economic strata.
    • Require sufficient access to appropriate learning opportunities to realize their potential.
    • Can have learning and processing disorders that require specialized intervention and accommodation.
    • Need support and guidance to develop socially and emotionally as well as in their area of talent."


    GATE District Advisory Council (DAC)

    The GATE DAC provides guidance to the Board of Education and District regarding the GATE program. The DAC meets monthly to share information, research, and ideas related to the instructional and social-emotional needs of gifted students. 
    The 2023-24 GATE DAC members are:
    Ellen Chevalier (Administrator of Curriculum & Instruction), Sarah Rosenblum (BES Site Rep), Erica White (co-ROES Site Rep), Michelle Cass (co-ROES Site Rep, Aug-Dec), Allison Albright (co-ROES Site Rep, Jan-May), Jessica Jimenez (OHES Site Rep), Vanessa Heller (MCMS Site Rep), Christine Peymani (Parent), Haiyun Yang (Parent), Jennifer Nicholls (Parent), Judy Wiener (Community Member), Cori Orlando (Lead Instructional Technology Specialist/CogAT Coordinator), Tina Wang (Board Member) 
    2023-2024 Meeting Dates: October 9, December 11, February 12, April 8