6th and 8th Grade Directed Studies
Ms. MachDear Parents and Students,
Welcome to 6th and 8th Grade Directed Studies. This course provides individualized and small group instruction for students in the Special Education program in the areas specified on each student’s IEP. The students are instructed according to the California State Standards utilizing various techniques. Support is also given as needed for general education courses.
You will receive a grade in Directed Studies meant to reflect your individual progress. I do expect you to put forth your best effort on all assignments. The scale is as follows:
A 90-100%
B 80-89%
C 70-79%
D 60-69%
F 59% and below
Students earn 5 points per class period which include the following:
- Participation in group discussions
- Materials/Planner brought to class
- Correct entries in Planner
- Proper work habits
- Proper behavior/attitude
Work Habits Grade:
This grade reflects the student's ability to be prepared, stay on task, and complete assignments on time.
The grading scale is as follows:
Outstanding 0-2 missing assignments/checks
Satisfactory 3-6 missing assignments/checks
Needs Improvement 7-10 missing assignments/checks
Unsatisfactory 11 or more missing assignments/checks
Citizenship Grades:
This grade reflects the student’s behavior and participation in the classroom.
The grading scale is as follows:
Outstanding 0-2 checks
Satisfactory 3-6 checks
Needs Improvement 7-10 checks
Unsatisfactory 11 or more checks
3-ring binder highlighters calculator
book pens(blue/black/red) pencils
notebook/graph paper markers colored pencils
earbuds/headphones chromebook planner
All I expect is your personal best. I hope this has given you a clear overview of what is expected in Directed Studies this year. This is a special year for your son/daughter. Let us work together to ensure a positive learning experience!
Thank you,
Susan Mach