Traffic Concerns and SolutionsEvery year and at just about every school, traffic at drop-off and pick-up times are large problems. There have been many ideas and efforts to alleviate traffic at MCMS, but the following suggestions could make a tremendous difference in reducing the traffic lines and keeping our students safe going to and from school.
Please note: The Church parking lots north of the campus are not to be used!
- Follow the traffic pattern: the MCMS parking lot drop off and pick up should be curbside in front of the gym only. Dropping off in the middle of the parking lot causes delays to cars behind and is dangerous for students crossing in between cars. Always pull forward as far as you can and keep moving forward as spaces open in front of you.
- Leave 5 minutes early in the morning/ Wait 5 minutes in the afternoon: The campus is open starting at 7:30am and there is little traffic until 8:05. Picking up just a little later is also a good idea. Remember that the last bell rings at 2:40 and it takes at least 5 minutes for students to get to the parking lot.
- Use an alternate drop-off/pick-up area: Dropping off or picking up along Hollytree is underutilized as is along Doubletree north of the church. There is a long sidewalk eastbound on Hollytree, which allows a drop off that leads directly to the crossing guard and allows the driver to go directly back to Kanan road!
- Carpool/ride a bike/walk to school: If it is feasible, find neighbors who can walk, ride or carpool together. Remember that it is the law for students to wear bike helmets!
- Do not use parking spaces: Some school employees have schedules differing from the bell schedule. It is important for the smooth functioning of the school that they are able to access their parking space. Please do not assume that because a space is open, that the employee does not need it. ALL PARKING SPOTS IN THE MCMS LOT ARE DESIGNATED FOR STAFF. PLEASE PARK ALONG THE CURB IN FRONT OF THE GYM OR ON DOUBLETREE RD.
- Do not park, block or drive through residential complex lots: It is illegal to use the private access driveways, stop or park, or to block the entrances. CHP have been ticketing in these complex areas. These area also our neighbors, please be considerate.
- Do not walk across Doubletree other than at the crosswalk with the crossing guard. We have had numerous close calls with students walking across mid-street. Cars cannot see a student, and the student cannot see the cars.
- Do not use cell phones while driving through the lots. There are too many students and other cars to allow for distractions.
- Please drive very slowly through the lots. Please be patient.
- Drop off students curbside only, not in the middle of the lot.
In all, please be patient, respect other drivers and always be focused on the safety of our students!