The purpose of homework at Oak Hills is to enrich each child’s learning experience by providing an appropriate quantity and quality of homework for each child at each grade level. Homework is meant to be a positive learning experience for each child with the intention of reinforcing the concepts taught in the classroom as well as teaching responsibility and the importance of completing tasks.
One of the most important aspects of a primary education is developing good reading skills. For this reason, each child is expected to read to or be read to for a minimum of thirty minutes each day. This time is intended to be an enjoyable part of the child’s (and hopefully family’s) day.
The purpose of projects is for the child to have the opportunity to exemplify their knowledge of a given substantive area or concept in a variety of medium and modes. Age and grade level appropriate projects may be assigned at each grade level with the expectation that students have the knowledge and are capable of completing it on their own.
In addition to the homework described above the student may need to complete other types of work at home. This may arise if the child has unfinished class work or if the child has make-up work.