    State Law requires parents to send students ages 6 – 18 to school regularly and on time, to compel the student to attend regularly, and to provide an explanation satisfactory to school personnel for all absences/tardies. Parents and/or guardians who fail to meet these obligations may be guilty of an infraction and subject to prosecution (E.C. 48070).
    Reporting an Absence:
    We ask parents/guardians to call the Attendance Line at 818.597.4227 every morning when their student is going to be absent from school. This is to help insure that we verify each student’s safe arrival and school and that we accurately record each student’s daily attendance. Please be ready to provide the following information:
    • Name of caller and relationship with student
    • Student name
    • Teacher name
    • Reason for absence
    Excessive Absences:
    Our district attendance system counts the number of days that students miss school, whether excused or unexcused. Excused absences include illness or injury to the child, quarantine of the home by county health officials, a medical/dental appointment that can only be scheduled during school hours or attendance at funeral services for immediate family. Absences for religious holidays will be granted upon written request from parents/guardian.
    Excused Tardy:

    BellIf your student is going to be late for school due to an appointment or other valid reason, please call the attendance line at 818.597.4227 and let us know when the student will arrive, the reason for late arrival and if the student will be requiring a hot lunch for the day. Excused tardies would be any medical, dental, optometric or chiropractic appointments, or infrequent family emergencies or transportation issues.

    Anyone who arrives late with an unexcused tardy will replace their missed class time with their first recess. Please note this is for unexcused tardies only.

    Excessive Tardies:

    Kindergarten and Discovery Kindergarten students are considered tardy after the 8:15 AM bell.  1st - 5th grade students are considered tardy after the 8:20 AM bell. Students who arrive after that must report to the office for a late pass. On the fifth tardy, a letter will be sent home reminding parents that students are required to be on time for school. On the tenth tardy, parents/guardians will be required to have a conference with the Principal. On the fifteenth tardy, parents/guardians will be referred to the Ventura County School Review Board (SARB) which in turn may refer the case to the Superior Court for prosecution.