The district expects students to attend school wearing neat and clean clothing and be appropriate for all school activities. In no case should the dress or appearance of a student endanger the health and safety of the student or others. Clothing may not be of a nature to have “disruptive effect upon the orderly operation of the school.” (State of California Administrative Code, Section 5, Section 30200).
Students must wear clothing that includes both a shirt with pants or skirt, or the equivalent (for example dresses, shorts, or leggings) and shoes appropriate for physical movement and physical education classes.
● No flip flops, open toe, open heel, or heeled shoes over one inch. Comfortable and flexible street shoes or tennis shoes are suggested.
● Clothing must cover the chest, back, buttocks, and torso. ● Clothing must opaquely cover private parts and any undergarments at all times (see-through clothing, mesh, or transparent materials do not meet this requirement).
● Tops or shirts must have the minimum of a strap over each shoulder that keeps the top in place to meet the above requirements.
● Clothing may not depict, advertise or advocate the use of firearms, alcohol, tobacco, marijuana or other controlled substances.
● Clothing may not use or depict hate speech targeting groups based on race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, religious affiliation or any other protected classification.
● Students may not wear clothing and accessories that feature offensive images or language, including profanity, pornography, vulgarities, or defamatory language as determined by the school principal or their administrative designee.
● Students are encouraged to wear hats and visors outdoors to
provide sun protection. Hats or visors may not be worn indoors,
with the exception of religious, ethnic, or culturally specific head coverings.Hair should be clean and well kept. Outrageous hairstyles and hair color are not permitted. Boys are encouraged not to wear “pony tails” or “rat tails”.
Dangling earrings or elaborate jewelry are not permitted due to safety concerns during physical activity and play.Students may not wear any type of tattoo, including temporary rub on types.
Parents can help students use good judgment in choosing what to wear to school.
In the case that a student is unable to abide by the dress code policy, school provided garments may be loaned to the student until the parent or guardian is able to provide appropriate clothing.