    While we truly appreciate our parent drivers for school field trips and activities, we have had some recent field trips where district policies have not been followed.  These policies have been established for the safety of all of our students and parents while on school business, and it is imperative that they be followed.
    • If driving, the driver’s car must be in excellent mechanical condition and a seat belt must be available for each student assigned to the vehicle. Students are not permitted to sit in the front seat.
    • The car must have enough gasoline to complete the trip without making a stop for gas.
    • Adults who attend filed trips should plan to supervise students at all times.
    • 100% of attention should be devoted to driving and supervising of students, so cell phone use should be avoided unless for an emergency.
    • Siblings may not attend field trips.
    • When driving on a field trip all vehicles must go directly to the destination and return directly to the school on the return trip. IT IS NOT PERMITTED TO STOP FOR FOOD, DRINKS OR VARY FROM THE PRESCRIBED ROUTE.
    • If you choose to show a movie in your vehicle during the drive, it must be “G” rated.