



    In keeping with our climate of care in OPUSD, it is important that students are mindful of their behavior.  As 5th graders, it is expected that students have learned acceptable classroom behavior.  Since the number of students in each upper grade classroom is over 30, and the skills and content are so difficult, it is essential that every student demonstrates common courtesy and respect.  Teachers work hard to ensure that each student is given the opportunity to master educational standards.  It is unacceptable for any individual student to disrupt the learning of others.  Severe and reoccurring behaviors that interfere with student learning will be handled in the following manner:

    • Verbal warning

    • Lose privilege to participate in some activities

    • Email to parent(s)

    • Parent conference or meet with a counselor/principal as necessary

    The goal is for students to learn from each occurrence, and correct it in the future.  The behavior section of the report card will reflect each student’s progress, and will start fresh each trimester. 


    Come Ready to Learn!

    In order for students to be successful at school, they must come prepared for the day, ready to actively participate, be organized, and complete their classroom assignments.  Every day, students should bring their binders to school with their math workbooks, science, Social Studies Weekly newspaper, lined paper, sharpened pencils, erasers, and their charged Chromebook. Teachers have minimal extra Chromebooks or chargers in the classroom.


    Since students receive their own Chromebook this year, it will need to be brought back and forth to school daily. Each night, students need to charge their Chromebook at home. It is best to find a designated “spot” in your home for Chromebook charging, so that students always know where it is in the morning. Students who forget to bring their Chromebook to school will inevitably have extra homework that evening to make up. 


    Additionally, it is very important that students bring their book baggies and Reading Notebooks to and from school everyday.  The book baggie should hold “just right” books, and Post-it notes for jotting during class time and at home.



    Students in 5th grade may receive skill practice of approximately 15 to 20 minutes per academic content area per day.  Some assignments could take longer, while others might require less time.  Math, reading, and writing are areas where there is regular daily practice, while science and social studies will have fewer assignments per week.  Additionally, 5th graders may be expected to prepare at home for assessments or presentations. 


    There is generally a math page per day that provides practice, if necessary, after a lesson, to ensure that the concept taught that day is reinforced.  Independent reading for 30 minutes each day is expected (reading can equal about 30 minutes a day by the end of the week; some days a student may be able to read more, while other days there will be less time for reading).  


    While many assignments can be completed during the school day, they may need to be completed at home if they are not completed at school for any reason. Depending on a student’s skill level, it may take a different amount of time to complete an assignment. Students should have a designated work area that is quiet and has necessary school supplies.  It is acceptable for an adult to offer assistance and check completed work for accuracy.  If a student is unable to complete an assignment in a reasonable amount of time, after giving it his or her best effort, it is okay for the student to stop working on it.  Please email or send a note to the teacher with an explanation if possible.


    Many assignments will be completed through Google Classroom. As often as possible, parents should go through their child’s Google Classroom and check the “Classwork” tab for upcoming due dates and other information regarding assignments. As students prepare for middle school, there will not be frequent communication about every assignment, and it will be up to the student to check Google Classroom daily.