Students earn credits towards graduation in each class by actively participating in the learning process each day. Credits are granted based on the number of productive hours that a student completes during the quarter.  Every 15 hours of productive time = I credit in a class and 75 hours of productive time equates to a 5-credit class. It is common for a motivated student to earn additional hours and accordingly additional credit in class.  A student who has completed all assigned work may be assigned homework for extra credit. However, it is also a fact that some students, due to excessive absences, tardies, or not being on task, will receive less than the 75 hours needed for the full 5 credits. As a result, variable credits will be assigned for students not completing the required 75 productive hours. If a student loses hours because of behavior or an unexcused tardy or absence, he/she may NOT be allowed to make up missed work.

    Credit System:

    • 15 Hours...........................One Credit
    • 30 Hours...........................Two Credits
    • 45 Hours...........................Three Credits
    • 60 Hours...........................Four Credits
    • 75 Hours...........................Five Credits
    • Quarter..............................15 Credits Assigned
    • Semester...........................30 Credits Assigned


    The staff at Oak View High School believes in community service. In addition to requiring our students to complete a 15-hour component of community service, students may earn up to five elective credits for approved community service learning projects.

Last Modified on December 6, 2022