Oak Park By the Numbers

Vision & Mission

  • Mission

    To provide students with a strong foundation for learning which meets the challenge of the present and of the future through a balanced education which includes academic achievement, personal growth, and social responsibility.


    Oak Park Unified School District will be a leader in public education, inspiring an inclusive learning community to provide innovation and excellence in academics, the arts, athletics, and activities, with a focus on the whole child.

Our Award-Winning Schools

  • Oak Park Neighborhood School
  • Brookside Elementary School
  • Oak Hills Elementary School
  • Red Oak Elementary School
  • Medea Creek Middle School
  • Oak Park High School
  • Oak Park Independent School
  • Oak View High School

OPUSD Spotlight

  •  Facilities Improvement and Construction at OPUSD

    Facilities Improvement and Construction

    Oak Park Unified School District is making improvements to all of its campuses in innovative ways. We would like to thank our community for its support in passing Measure S and allowing us to provide a modern and safe learning environment for our students.

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  •  School Meals and Nutrition Services

    FREE School Meals and Nutrition Services

    The Student Nutrition & Wellness Department at Oak Park Unified School District is dedicated to creating a caring and inclusive school food environment that prioritizes the health and well-being of our students and our planet.

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  •  OPUSD Communications


    The Oak Park Unified Communications Department provides the most accurate, timely, and relevant information possible to the school community and the general public.

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  •  OPUSD Employment Opportunities

    Employment Opportunities

    OPUSD is a great place to work. New applicants must apply online through EdJoin.org. We’ve created special links from our Job Openings Page to take you directly to our postings on EdJoin. We continually add new postings so check frequently.

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    The Oak Park Unified School District acknowledges the original inhabitants of the land that our school district encompasses. The land that our schools and facilities rest on has been the home to the Ventureño Chumash indigenous communities for at least the last 13,000 years. Please join us in honoring these ancestral grounds by expressing gratitude for the people who stewarded this land throughout the generations and continue to do so.  We also celebrate the resilience and strength that all Indigenous people have shown and continue to show in our region and beyond in the face of systemic injustice.


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